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House Building Finance Company – HBFC

Mr. Mahfuz-Ur-Rehman Pasha

Independent Director

Mr. Mahfuz-ur-Rehman Pasha was born on December 4th 1951. He holds a degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Engineering College, Peshawar University and a diploma in elementary German   language from the Department of Modem languages, Peshawar University. He is also an Associate Member of the Institute of Engineers Pakistan (AMIE-PAK). Mr. Pasha since July 13, 2013 is serving as Chief Executive of Pak Gulf Leasing Company Limited. In addition, he is also a director on the board of National Transmission and Dispatch Company Limited since September 2016 and a Director on the board of Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Ltd since December 30, 2016.

Mr. Pasha has served the Non-Banking Financial Institutions and Modaraba Association of Pakistan as Chairman with effect from October 2015 for a period of one year and as member of the Executive Committee during financial year 2013-2014. Before joining the corporate world Mr. Pasha had the honor to serve the Provincial Government of KPK as well as the Federal Government for a period of 39 years.

Mr. Pasha served in the communication & works Department of KPK province as an Assistant Engineer from 1973-1981. In this position he acquired extensive experience in the budgeting & execution of various development projects big & small. In September 1981 he joined the civil services of Pakistan (Initially   income   Tax   group   later renamed is Inland Revenue Service). In the course of his service he has served as Income Tax Officer, Deputy Commissioner, Additional Commissioner & Commissioner in various branches of the service i.e. Audit, Enforcement, Legal, Tax Facilitation & Human Resource Development. In 2011 he retired in BS-21 after having served the Federal Board of Revenue for 30 years. In the year 2004 he was posted as Secretary International Taxes in the Federal Board of Revenue & in this capacity drafted and finalized a number of bilateral tax treaties. He also remained a Deputy Secretary in the Economic Affairs Division, Ministry of Finance, Government of Pakistan, and in this capacity actively interfaced with Development Financial Institutions of Pakistan, their respective foreign investment agencies, and various international multilateral financial institutions. He is an avid book reader and a golfer.

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