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House Building Finance Company – HBFC

HBFC offers several options for paying on your loan

STEP 1: Login to your banking services using your bank’s internet banking or its mobile banking app or through ATM.

STEP 2: Select Bill Payment Service.
STEP 3: Select Bill Payment type.
STEP 4: Select desired 1BILL Invoice.
STEP 5: Enter Consumer number (including 6 digits prefix i.e. 100940____BP# (without 01).
STEP 6: Click next to fetch Bill Inquiry.
STEP 7: Title fetch would confirm customer’s name and repayment amount.
STEP 8: Customer will continue to pay the amount.
STEP 9: After successful payment, the customer will be confirmed through confirmation screen.
Login ->Click on More Option ->Select Loan Payments Option ->Find House Building Finance Company (HBFC)
Enter Consumer ID / Account Number (10 digits, insert Zero before your proposal number to make length of 10 digits for e.g. Proposal/account Number 231/01 shall be entered like 0000023101) -> Click Next-> Enter amount for payment on Amount Option -> Click Proceed ->  Check details on confirmation screen and Pay Now->
Transaction Completed -> Receive Transaction Receipt and SMS confirming the transaction
Note: If details are not fetched with new proposal number please enter your old account number to proceed for the payments.
Payment through USSD Subscriber (For Telenor Users Only):-
Dial *786# ->Select (4) Payments Option ->Select (6) Loan Repayment Option ->Find House Building Finance Company (HBFC) from list of companies
Enter Consumer ID / Account Number (10 digits, insert Zero before your proposal number to make length of 10 digits for e.g. Proposal/account Number 231/01 shall be entered like 0000023101) -> Enter amount for payment on Amount Option-> Select Proceed ->  Check details on confirmation screen and Pay Now->
Transaction Completed -> Receive Transaction Receipt and SMS confirming the transaction
Note: If details are not fetched with new proposal number please enter your old account number to proceed for the payments.
Payment through Merchant/Retailers USSD:-
Visit Easy Paisa Outlet/Merchant ->Merchant dials *787# from his device/phone-> Select (8) payment option ->Select (2) Loan Repayment Option ->Select House Building Finance Company (HBFC)from list of clients
Merchant enter Consumer ID / Account Number (10 digits, insert Zero before your proposal number to make length of 10 digits for e.g. Proposal/account Number 231/01 shall be entered like 0000023101) -> Click Next-> Enter amount for payment on Amount Option -> Select Proceed for next step->  Enter customer mobile number -> Check details on confirmation screen and Pay Now->
Merchant will get a transaction prompt and sms confirming the transaction. A sms will also be sent to the customer confirming the payment.
Transaction Completed -> upon receiving the message, Customer will pay the amount to the merchant
Note: If details are not fetched with new proposal number please enter your old account number to proceed for the payments.

Login->Click on More Option ->Corporate Payment ->Select House Building Finance Company

Enter Account Number (10 digits, insert Zero before your proposal number to make length of 10 digits for e.g. Proposal/account Number 231/01 shall be entered like 0000023101) -> Click Next-> Enter amount for payment-> Enter Transaction Password and Confirm -> Check details on confirmation screen and Pay->

Receive Transaction Receipt

Note: If details are not fetched with new proposal number please enter your old account number to proceed for the payments

Login-> Select Pay Option-> Click on Add New->Select Corporate Payment ->Select House Building Finance Company (HBFC)

Enter Account Number (10 digits, insert Zero before your proposal number to make length of 10 digits for e.g. Proposal/account Number 231/01 shall be entered like 0000023101) ->  Enter amount for payment and Select Next->Enter OTP code received on number-> Enter Transaction Password and Select Pay

Receive Transaction Receipt

Note: If details are not fetched with new proposal number please enter your old account number to proceed for the payments.

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