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House Building Finance Company – HBFC

Application Procedure & Requirements

List of personal documents required from customer with application form.

S.No. DocumentRequirement
1Passport size coloured photographs of the applicant3
2Passport size coloured photographs of the co-applicant(s)3
3Passport size coloured photographs of the gurantor(s)3
4CNIC/NADRA receipt (if CNIC issuance is under progress) of applicant03 copies attested (both sides)
5CNIC/NADRA receipt (if CNIC issuance is under progress) of co-applicant (s)03 copies attested (both sides)
6CNIC/NADRA receipt (if CNIC issuance is under progress) of guarantor(s)03 copies attested (both sides)
7In Purchase Case Only - CNIC/NADRA receipt (if CNIC issuance is under progress) of sellerAttested Copy (both sides)

List of income related documents required from customer with application form


Sr.No.Financing Up to PKR 10 MillionSr.No. Financing above PKR 10 Million
1Latest 04-month salary slipOriginal1Latest 04-month salary slipOriginal
2Salary Certificate having following particulars (Name, CNIC, Date of Joining, Gross & Net monthly income, Terms of employment, Period of Contract)Original2Salary Certificate having following particulars (Name, CNIC, Date of Joining, Gross & Net monthly income, Terms of employment, Period of Contract)Original
3Last 06-month Bank StatementOriginal3Last One year Bank StatementOriginal
4Latest utility bills of electricity and GAS/PTCLCopy4Latest utility bills of electricity and GAS/PTCLCopy

Self Employed Professionals (SEPs)

Sr.No. Financing Up to PKR 10 MillionSr.No. Financing above to PKR 10 Million
1Latest 01-year Bank StatementOriginal1Latest 02-year Bank StatementOriginal
2Income Tax Return (if required)Copy2Business Registration Certificate, issued by FBRCopy
3Affidavit Declaring Income on stamp paper of PKR 50 (duly attested by Notary Public)Original3Income Tax ReturnCopy
4Ownership Documents /Tenancy agreement of business placeCopy4Affidavit Declaring Income on stamp paper of PKR 50 (duly attested by Notary Public)Original
5Latest utility bills of electricity and GAS/PTCL of business premisesCopy5Ownership Documents /Tenancy agreement of business placeCopy
6Professional Association Membership Certificate/Practice LicenseCopy6Latest utility bills of electricity and GAS/PTCL of business premisesCopy
7Account Maintenance Letter /Bank Relationship Certificate (if required)Original7Professional Association Membership Certificate/Practice LicenseCopy
8Account Maintenance Letter /Bank Relationship CertificateOriginal
9Profit & Loss Statement/Income Statement of last 02 yearsOriginal
10Two references of Suppliers/Buyers (on Company's letter head)Original

Business Income - Self Employed Business (SEBs)

Sr.No. Financing Up to PKR 10 MillionSr.No. Financing above to PKR 10 Million
1Latest 01-year Bank StatementOriginal1Latest 02-year Bank StatementOriginal
2Income Tax Return (optional)Copy2Business Registration Certificate, issued by FBRCopy
3Affidavit Declaring Income on stamp paper of PKR 50 (duly attested by Notary Public)Original3Income Tax Return Copy
4Ownership Documents /Tenancy agreement of business placeCopy4Affidavit Declaring Income on stamp paper of PKR 50 (duly attested by Notary Public)Original
5Latest utility bills of electricity and GAS/PTCL of business premisesCopy5Ownership Documents /Tenancy agreement of business placeCopy
6Account Maintenance Letter /Bank Relationship CertificateOriginal6Latest utility bills of electricity and GAS/PTCL of business premisesCopy
7Account Maintenance Letter /Bank Relationship CertificateOriginal
8Profit & Loss Statement/Income Statement of last 02 yearsOriginal
9Two references of Suppliers/Buyers (on Company's letter head)Original

Business Income - Rental income

Sr.No. Financing Up to PKR 10 MillionSr.No. Financing above to PKR 10 Million
1Latest 01-year Bank StatementOriginal 1Latest 01-year Bank StatementOriginal
2Income Tax Return (optional)Copy2Income Tax Return (optional)Copy
3Affidavit Declaring Income on stamp paper of PKR 50 (duly attested by Notary Public)Original 3Affidavit Declaring Income on stamp paper of PKR 50 (duly attested by Notary Public)Original
4Latest utility bills of electricity and GAS/PTCL of business premisesCopy4Latest utility bills of electricity and GAS/PTCL of business premisesCopy
5Ownership documents5Ownership documents
6Rent agreementCopy6Rent agreementCopy

Business Income - Agricultural Income

Sr.No. Financing Up to PKR 10 MillionSr.No. Financing above to PKR 10 Million
1Latest 01-year Bank StatementOriginal 1Latest 01-year Bank StatementOriginal
2Income Tax Return (optional)Copy2Income Tax Return (optional)Copy
3Affidavit Declaring Income on stamp paper of PKR 50 (duly attested by Notary Public)Original 3Affidavit Declaring Income on stamp paper of PKR 50 (duly attested by Notary Public)Original
4Certificates of ownership issued by the Tehsildar or Mukhtiarkar.Original 4Certificates of ownership issued by the Tehsildar or Mukhtiarkar.Original
5Annual estimated/agricultural income obtained from Revenue Department.Original5Annual estimated/agricultural income obtained from Revenue Department.Original
6Ushr payment receipt.Copy6Ushr payment receipt.Copy

Business Income - Poultry, Fish & Cattle Farms and Orchid

Sr.No. Financing Up to PKR 10 MillionSr.No. Financing above to PKR 10 Million
1Latest 01-year Bank StatementOriginal 1Latest 01-year Bank StatementOriginal
2Income Tax Return (optional)Copy2Income Tax Return (optional)Copy
3Affidavit Declaring Income on stamp paper of PKR 50 (duly attested by Notary Public)Original 3Affidavit Declaring Income on stamp paper of PKR 50 (duly attested by Notary Public)Original
4Latest utility bills of electricity and GAS/PTCL of business premisesCopy 4Latest utility bills of electricity and GAS/PTCL of business premisesCopy
5Ownership Documents /Tenancy agreement of business placeCopy 5Ownership Documents /Tenancy agreement of business placeCopy
6Account Maintenance Letter /Bank Relationship CertificateOriginal6Account Maintenance Letter /Bank Relationship CertificateOriginal
7Profit & Loss Statement/Income Statement of last 02 yearsOriginal7Profit & Loss Statement/Income Statement of last 02 yearsOriginal
8Two references of Suppliers/Buyers (on Company's letter head)Original8Two references of Suppliers/Buyers (on Company's letter head)Original

Non Resident Pakistani

Sr.No. Financing Up to PKR 10 MillionSr.No. Financing above to PKR 10 Million
1Salary Certificate if applicant is on visit of PakistanOriginal 1Salary Certificate if applicant is on visit of PakistanOriginal
2Salary Certificate if applicant is abroad
Duly attested by the Pakistan Mission in that country
Vetted by notary public / legal counsels/solicitors of respective countries, and by the state departments operating under the immigration sections of Middle East countries
Original 2Salary Certificate if applicant is abroad
Duly attested by the Pakistan Mission in that country OR
Vetted by notary public / legal counsels/solicitors of respective countries, and by the state departments operating under the immigration sections of Middle East countries
3Self-employed - affidavit/business income, Business registration certificate and confirmation by Pakistan embassy/ consulateOriginal 3Self-employed - affidavit/business income, IRA certificate and confirmation by Pakistan embassy/ consulateOriginal
4Passport and valid visaCopy 4Passport and valid visaCopy
5Copy 5Tax ReturnCopy
6Foreign Bank Statement (optional)Original6Foreign Bank Statement Original
7Work permitValid7Work permitValid
9Proof of remittancesCopy/ original 9Proof of remittances (incase of guarantor income)Copy/ original
10Affidavit for NRP On stamp paper of Rs.100/- (duly attested by notary public) that he/she do not own immovable property outside PakistanOriginal10Affidavit for NRP On stamp paper of Rs.100/- (duly attested by notary public) that he/she do not own immovable property outside PakistanOriginal
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