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House Building Finance Company – HBFC


HBFC is committed to providing excellent services to its customers. We learn and value our customers’ feedback & suggestions.
You can lodge your complaints through the following channels:
  1. Discuss the problem with the Branch Manager for fast resolution of the complaint.
  2. Write your complaint on a plain piece of paper and drop your complaint/suggestion into the complaint box available in your nearest branch.
  3. You can write your complaints/suggestions directly to head office at: Head Service Quality Management Unit, HBFC 3rd floor, Finance & Trade Centre, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi, Pakistan.
  4. Call us at 0800-42325
  5. Enter your complaint at our website: or you can also send us your complaints at:

Please Provide Following In Your Communication

To ensure that your complaint/feedback is timely & properly resolved, kindly make sure to provide the following data.

You Should Expect To Receive

  1. Acknowledgment of the complaint within 48 hours except when you have lodged the complaint at the Call Centre.
  2. Intimation of the complaint resolution within 7 to 15 working days of the lodgement (depending on the nature of the complaint).
  3. An interim response after 10 working days, in case your complaint requires further investigation.
  4. Fraud-related complaints, the final reply to the complainant within 30 working days.

Alternative Forums to lodge ComplaintsAlternative Forums to lodge Complaints

If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you can also approach following alternate forums to lodge complaint.

State Bank of Pakistan

The Director Banking Conduct & Consumer Protection Dept.

5th floor, SBP Main Building State Bank of Pakistan I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi

Banking Mohtasib Pakistan Secretariat

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